Intimate Summer Wedding

The Ivy Lea Club // Ivy Lea, ONtarIO

Well this was a beautiful wedding. Rescheduled and re-venued due to COVID, it definitely wasn’t lacking love and good vibes. Groom prep consisted of some baseball and the replacement venue was just as stunning as the original. Wonju and Shawn were amazing for portraits. They showed no signs of being nervous or apprehensive to engage in some PDA in front of my camera. Lots of smiles and joyful tears. One of my favourite weddings of 2021. :)

I was also privileged to be a part of a very powerful moment between these two. Having been in that moment myself, I know how special it was for them. I was stoked to be a very small part of it. See if you can find it in the photos. :)


Rainy River Mill Wedding


Wedding Photo Highlight Reel 2019-2020