Black (& White) Pistol Fire

I’ve lived in Kingston for about 5 years now and still don’t really understand why this city doesn’t have more touring bands stop here. We get some big pop acts performing at the KROCK Centre, and there’s a broad selection of Canadian singer/songwriters playing stuffy venues like the Grand, but I’ve personally felt that my musical tastes have been neglected. When I lived in Toronto, a youthful, less tired, childless version of myself would try to see as many live shows as possible to support the artists that bring so much joy and vibrance to my life. When I heard about Black Pistol Fire playing at Stages Nightclub, I knew I had to show my support for good music and head down there.I didn’t really know what to expect. The beer was cold, but the venue is terribly ugly and uninspired. And to my dismay, the crowd was sparse. Uh-oh.

Well, the band was electric. They were loud, captivating, and energetic. The lights in the venue consisted of a very bright spotlight and a few terribly boring red lights on the back wall. My thought was that the simplicity and contrast of black and white imagery would better emphasize the raw power and emotion of a two man band. By removing the colour, the juxtaposition of light vs no-light really amplifies the incredible energy of the band while isolating them from the rather uninteresting setting.

I’m very happy with the resulting images and I hope you all enjoy them as well.

Check them out: Black Pistol Fire


Kingston Mills Maternity Session // Kingston, Ontario


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